Monday, April 5, 2010

It feels like it's not me being here

I feel taken inside out and back again, but not put back in the original condition. I know I’m the same but I feel different. I feel like I've left myself back home and I’m taken over by a complete different person. Both my inside as outside feel completely different.
The outside for being in a constant rollercoaster of a conflicting feeling how my body should relate to my surrounding. On the one hand I’m too big, or rather too tall for the US. I don’t fit in the bed, the shower only cleans me from my shoulders down, without me being forced in strange positions. The houses are tiny, with only one or two floors. But on the other hand even with the smallest cars I have difficulty getting into without pretending I’m a monkey.

The inside, for the things I say, think of, eat, smell and see differ so much from what I’m used to. It feels like my brain has abandoned me. My face feels different, since the muscles in my face are not forced to move in a way to produce my native language.
My eyes are forced to see things they are not used to seeing. My tongue and the rest of my inner mouth feel like some else’s because of preparing so many other than usual substances for swallowing.

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